Finding Powerlifting Success

3 Keys to Powerlifting.
I’ve recently had a ton of people ask me about my programming. Things such as who makes it for me, how often I train, what methods are the best for increasing strength in certain areas, and even how to create a program of your own. I’ve given it some thought. I’ve been writing my own exercise programs for almost a decade, but I’ve been creating powerlifting specific programs for a year. I’ve had people tell me they make their own program and some find things that work for them, and others still need guidance. So keep in mind, this is not scientifically based. These are my opinions on the matter. These are my three keys to being a successful powerlifter.
One at a time. I’m a big believer in the thought of improving your lifts one at a time. There has been a plethora of individuals that have told me they want to get better at squat, bench, and deadlift. Like we all don’t want to be well rounded. I, however, don’t see a way to improve all three lifts “significantly” in 8-12 weeks, which is what I deem to be the proper length of a typical training cycle. You can obviously get stronger, but to get a bigger bench press, you have to bench. And squatting twice a week isn’t going to help with that. You’d have to dedicate that training period to bench. Decide what is the problem area. Do you need more stamina, are you just weak in general, or is your technique just horrendous? Once you find the problem, fix it.
Heavy lifting equivalates to heavy lifting. I see a ton of guys running around using rubber bands to train and it pisses me off. It’s not “old skool”, it’s a waste of your time. You will never get to a meet and have the judges say u can lift 135 as long as it feels like 800 at the top (supposedly). Another issue I see many people having is living by the thought of using light weights and high volume to make them stronger. Moving 225 40 times won't help you move 500 for 1. It just doesn't work like that. Your body won't be used to the heavy weight if you never test it out. If you want to lift 700lbs, you have to be able to at least move 635 for a set of three. You need to give your body the chance to feel the heavy weight, so it knows what is expected of it.
Consistency is key. When people ask for advice on training, I find that they generally want to know, how to write a program, how long it should be, and what exercises they should be doing. My first two points pretty much explain two of those answers, but as far as what exercises you should be doing; it doesn’t matter a heck of a whole lot. Don’t get me wrong. If you want to be an “Elite” powerlifter, you can’t do bicep curls and calf raises everyday and hope it increases your big three. If you’re going to the gym and busting your ass everyday while doing exercises specifically geared toward your goal, you’re going to get stronger. It’s inevitable.
Let’s review. My thoughts are programs should be geared toward upcoming meets and should last anywhere from 8 – 12 weeks. When I train and I don’t have something coming up, I just wing it. You should too. You're only going to increase one of the big three lifts significantly at a time. So, don’t waste your time trying to go up 300lbs in 9 weeks. It doesn’t work that way. You have to lift heavy if you plan to lift heavy. Don’t go getting hurt in your next meet because you trained with 60% of your max for a whole cycle. That’s foolish. Last, but not least, be consistent. Whatever you decide your goal is or however long you’re going to work toward that goal, just keep it up. You’re going to get there eventually. I believe in you. #Underdogsoftheyear